Abstract Submission

Authors are required to submit a 500 word abstract for all categories. Inclusive with all abstract template elements (title, affiliation, abstract body, references and keywords) submitted abstracts must not be longer than one template page. Abstracts should be prepared using the ECIL Abstract Template and Formatting Manual. Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the conference management system through the submission form, and uploaded to the system in the form of an MS Word document.

Deadline for abstract submission for all categories is 3 February 2025 10 February 2025. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by 10 March 2025. Final copies of the accepted abstracts should be sent in by 17 March 2025, in order for them to be included in the Abstract Book. ECIL’s writing guidelines should be followed while writing abstracts. Submissions by email/fax are not accepted. At least one of the authors should register and take part at the conference to make the presentation. The language of the Conference is English.

The conference management system opens December 2024.

Important Note

Please note that your abstract will be included in the print and the online version of the Book of Abstracts only if the registration fee is paid before the author registration deadline (15 July 2025).

For all questions regarding the abstract template and the submission process contact us at ecil.ffzg@gmail.com